Tuesday, 29 September 2015

The Anatomy of Cool

As an extension of our inquiry focus this term 'Healthy Bodies, Strong Minds', we explored the role that the media plays in determining how we see ourselves and others. We discussed stereotypes, the concept of 'coolness' and the messages we receive via the media that influence our understanding of appearance, personality and gender roles.
Above are our composite 'ideal' man and woman as they are predominately portrayed in the media! There were quite a few giggles during this task, but it did generate some lively discussion around body image and self esteem, as well as internal and external 'coolness'.

We also wrote a report describing  'Earthlings' as they appeared in magazines. There was much discussion around how realistic magazines are and how such a small section of global society is portrayed.Here is Eva's insightful report - Thanks for sharing Eva! 

Hello Fellow People
As I was wondering around the East side of our planet today, Discovering why the East side is forbidden, I stumbled across a large white tube looking thing, that is known as a space ship. Of Course with me being adventurous and determined to find out what on earth is going on. I climb aboard the tube and discover what these strange looking earthlings stay in. They have houses in these tubes so I went in and had a look at one of them. Sitting on a table was a whole stack of these magazine/ book looking things. I pick one up and start flicking through.

The earthlings planet is beautiful and so are the people, not one single person there is ugly they are all perfect from what I saw in the magazine. They all have beautiful smiles and are never not smiling, Their hair is never messy and they are all so nicely groomed. Their planet looks so magical, Not in one picture is it raining, the sun is out so they are all lounging around and sunbathing on the beach in bikinis and board shorts.

The scenery is amazing, they have these wonderful things called trees and they stick up tall out of the ground. They are all pale and tan, they aren't multi coloured like us. The feminine ones pack there face up with these chemicals that make them look outstanding. The masculine ones  all have muscly stomachs and forearms. They wear clothes that are colorful and really well fitted, they would never wear rags. Their homes are so big and stylish, every single house has a pool, a TV and a kitchen, they even have their own houses they don't have to share. They never stink because there is so many deodorants and chemical things you can put on your body to smell nice.

Humans all have so much money so everyone will be able to afford anything they want. In their houses they have these things called showers that shower water all over your body to clean yourself, no one has to wash up in the one river like we all have to. They even have these products to make there hair look stunning, Shampoo, conditioner, hair brushes, combs, hair spray, mousse, hair ties and even these cool little hair clips called bobby pins. They all have their very own hairdresser that does their hair every day. Life on Earth looks amazing, maybe we should ask to visit some time?
Love Rigfu

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