Tuesday 10 February 2015

Where I am from poetry

As part of our 'get to know one another' week, we have composed original poems entitled 'I am from..'. We used the poem of the same title written by George Ella Lyons as a model. As we finish, poems are being posted onto individual blogs- check them out, they are amazing!
Amber has kindly allowed me to share her efforts on the class blog.

I am from:
I am from the sun shining through the window,
I am from looking out the window to Te Mata Peak,
I am from the smell of BBQs and the sizzling sausages,
I am from the world of pictures and selfies,

I am from Site 44,
I am from long family car trips to the beach,
I am from the boiling hot sand in between my toes,

I am from my continues giggles,
I am from my blankie and Baby Alive,
I am from our nicknames Squirt and Minnie Mouse,

I am from my trampoline and twisting, turning and flipping in the air,
I am from making video stars and seeing the world upside down in a handstand ,
I am from capturing every moment,

I am from ….

1 comment:

  1. I so enjoyed reading this, Amber, I know so much about you now. this has inspired me to try something similar with the kids I am working with!
