Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Salute the Army

Today we had an opportunity to 'hang' with the army. It was really hard to wait until after lunch, especially once we had seen the very authentic army camp setup on the school field. We rotated in two groups looking at and having explained different aspects of Army life- vehicles, fitness training, arms, and routines. It also provided an opportunity for some great action photos!

Friday, 27 March 2015

Orienteering in Keirunga Gardens

Over the past three weeks Room 15 has had two opportunities (ducking the weather and fitting in camp!) to take part in, and experience some orienteering. This has taken place both at school and at the Keirunga Gardens.  Our sessions have been organised and run by Jane Herries of KiwiOrienteering. Thanks very much Jane! It has been a great chance for many in Room 15 to experience what is for them, a new sport. Thankfully we didn't loose any and returned back to school all in good time! Phew!

Winning pumpkins!

Check out these pumpkins! Congratulations Maddie and Niamh, who have nurtured pumpkin seeds over months and months to eventually take out the first prize.

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Weka Point Camp: Awesome fun!

We returned from camp on Friday- exhausted but having had a great time! The weather was beautiful (mornings were chilly though), food eatable (even on student cook night) and parent helpers were awesome. The students from Room 15 are busy writing exciting recounts about their favourite part of camp  so keep an eye out for blog posts. Thanks Lucy for sharing your photo slide. Check out blogs as everyone has made their own...out of 100's of photos!

Monday, 16 March 2015

Geometry: Position and orientation

We have begun a new maths unit in class this week: Today we focused on identifying angles and measuring them. Check out this youtube clip...a catchy tune may help the memory! (Thanks Clay for the suggestion!)

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Pepeha and Whakapapa

In Room 15 over the past couple of weeks, we have been building on our knowledge of 'Turangawaewae- a place to stand'. Creating our own Pepeha and Whakapapa has been a part of this process.Check out Amy's awesome effort, and others on individual blogs! As we become more confident with our pronunciation we will be adding a vocaroo (a recording of our reciting).We have written our Pepeha in a form that we would expect to say it, or hear it being said, on a Marae.
Check out my Maori  pepeha and whakapapa.

Friday, 6 March 2015

The Bug Man promotes Treemendous

Ruud Kleinpaste (aka the bug man), together with Caroline Wallace from Project Crimson spoke to us at assembly today. 
We now have a real appreciation for bugs! I don't think any of us will look at bugs in quite the same way again.
Our visitors were promoting our school Tremendous project, drawing our attention to the amazing opportunity this is for HNI. There may just be future possibilities to analysis the bugs in our own garden wilderness.